• Integrated automation technology solutions.

    We make industrial processes more efficient, safe and intelligent through engineering, automation and digital transformation solutions.
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  • AutoLoad®

    Handling Liquid and Solid Bulk. Integrated into a process automation system, it provides great connectivity with field equipment.
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  • AutoMed®

    Management and integrity of measurement systems for petroleum derivatives, chemical products and biofuels.
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Accumulated experience in delivering transformation

Operating nationally and internationally, AutoMind has a highly specialized team, first-class partners and products, cutting-edge technologies, fully equipped laboratories for calibration, testing and testing. More than three decades making history, innovating and delivering cutting-edge solutions with a high level of excellence.
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Integrated Automation Technology Solutions

Our job is to provide simple solutions to complex challenges. 

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AutoLoad® is a system for managing Liquid and Solid Bulk Handling Terminals. Integrated into a process automation system, it provides great connectivity with field equipment.

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AutoMed® is a system developed to assist in the management and integrity of measurement systems for petroleum derivatives, chemical products and biofuels.

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Petrobras evaluates the contract with Automind at a level of excellence

The challenge was to guarantee the integrity of the fiscal, appropriation, operational and custody measurement systems, maintaining compliance with the requirements of the Technical Measurement Regulation approved in Joint Resolution ANP/INMETRO No. 01:2013.
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Our clients

Opinion of partners and customers.

  • The partnership with AUTOMIND for the Measurement Management System, both through the AUTOMED software and through the work of measurement engineers, has been very fruitful. The commitment of the teams and the quality of the services provided gives us peace of mind in the Measurement area, allowing us to focus more on KAROON's core business activities.

    Peter Leahy

    Metering Engineer
    Karoon Energy
  • "Automind's performance in the leak detection process of some of the polyducts operated by Transpetro, with regard to supply, modeling, validation, testing and technical support for the SPS Leakfinder tool, has guaranteed the desired robustness, mainly due to the reliability achieved in function of the ability to detect small leaks. Finally, the commitment and readiness of the Automind team to provide assistance related to the process in question is worth highlighting."

    Fausto Metzger Pessanha Henriques

    Operation Support Sector Manager
  • “The terminal achieved an increase in productivity by 40% in road handling. Now the Terminal provides its customers with a precise scheduling service, which guarantees service predictability and real-time delivery of shipment status. In addition to the productivity gain obtained with an automated operation, AutoLoad® brought security and traceability to the process, making it possible to eliminate some steps previously performed manually.”

    Paulo Perez

    Liquid Bulk Terminal Superintendent
  • "AutoMind is a partner company that has been evolving over the years, innovating but not giving up the relationship with partners and leadership in the market it operates. Best technology solution in the management of terminals and bases."

    Márcio Sales

    Commercial Superintendent, Pricing and Market Intelligence


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